Statistical data set: Livestock numbers in England and the UK

Annual statistics on the number of livestock in England and the UK in June and December.

FOI release: Index of Exempted Dogs – FOI2022/03457

Index of Exempted Dogs.

Consultation outcome: Agricultural and Horticultural Development Board (AHDB) reform

Seeking views on reforms to end AHDB statutory levies in the horticulture and potato sectors and provide a more accountable AHDB.

Consultation outcome: Fisheries: latent capacity in the over 10m scallop and shellfish fleet

Seeking views on the risks and impacts around existing latent capacity in the 10m and over scallop and shellfish fleet.

Consultation outcome: Fisheries: management of the under 15m scallop fleet

Seeking views on whether there are issues with the current management of the under 15m scallop fleet.