Statutory guidance: Animal activities licensing: statutory guidance for local authorities

Guidance for local authority inspectors on licensing activities involving animals.

The work of the Environment Agency

Remarks by Sir James Bevan, Chief Executive of the Environment Agency, to the All-Party Parliamentary Group for the Environment, 9 March 2022.

Guidance: Funding for farmers

You can apply for money to improve the environment while producing high quality food and other products if you’re a farmer, land manager, forester or horticulturist.

Press release: £11.6m boost for local authorities to tackle air pollution

Air Quality Grants awarded across England to fund local projects for cleaner air.

Changes to Environment Agency’s abstraction charges to safeguard water supplies for people and wildlife

Businesses, including water companies and farmers must hold a licence to abstract more than 20 cubic metres of water a day from a river, stream, canal or groundwater, and pay charges for this from 1 April 2022.