Official Statistics: Farming statistics: Crop areas in England sourced from Basic Payment Scheme data (compared to the June Survey of Agriculture) 2015-2021

Experimental statistics presenting county and regional level crop areas (NUTS3 and NUTS1) from the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS). It includes comparisons to the equivalent crop areas from the June Survey of Agriculture for context and discussion.

National Statistics: Livestock populations: Pigs at 1 December 2021, England

Number of pigs in England, including analysis of pigs overdue movement/slaughter and number of pigs culled as a result of any back log on farms.

National Statistics: Latest UK milk prices and composition of milk

Monthly UK averages of the farm-gate price and butterfat and protein content of milk delivered to dairies.

National Statistics: Historical statistics notices on agricultural price indices, 2021

Previously published monthly National Statistics publications on the agricultural price index (API). A set of indices of the prices paid and received by UK farmers for agricultural goods and services.

Statistical data set: Animal feed prices

Series of straights and compound animal feed prices across Great Britain.