Guidance: Funding for farmers

You can apply for money to improve the environment while producing high quality food and other products if you’re a farmer, land manager, forester or horticulturist.

Consultation outcome: Reducing ammonia emissions from urea fertilisers

Seeking views on our plans to reduce ammonia emissions from urea fertilisers in England.

Environment Agency to carry out vital flood prevention work in Matlock

The Environment Agency will carry out essential flood prevention work in Matlock, Derbyshire next week to reduce the flood risk to over 50 homes and businesses.

Guidance: How an SFI standards agreement interacts with other funding schemes

Find out when land can be included in an SFI standards agreement and other agri-environment schemes and funding sources at the same time.

Guidance: Getting paid for an SFI standards agreement

How you will be paid under your SFI standards agreement