Guidance: Clean air zones

Where you’ll find clean air zones, how to check if you’ll need to pay a charge and create a business account, and what support or exemptions are available.

Form: Professional plant protection products (PPPs): register as a business that places them on the market

If you import, manufacture, process, distribute or sell professional plant protection products (PPPs) in Great Britain, register to comply with regulations.

Form: Professional plant protection products (PPPs): register as a business that places them on the market

If you import, manufacture, process, distribute or sell professional plant protection products (PPPs) in Great Britain, register to comply with regulations.

Form: Professional plant protection products (PPPs): register as a user

If you’re a business, organisation or sole trader that uses professional PPPs and adjuvants in Great Britain, register to comply with regulations.

Press release: Largest overhaul of sewer system to tackle storm sewage discharges

Consultation on the Storm Overflows Discharge Reduction Plan outlines a step change in how water companies tackle the number of discharges of untreated sewage.