National Statistics: Historical statistics notices on the number of cattle, sheep and pigs slaughtered in the UK, 2022

Previously published copies of the monthly National Statistics publication on the number of cattle, sheep and pigs slaughtered in the UK.

Guidance: Avian influenza (bird flu): cases and disease control zones in England

Current and suspected cases of avian influenza (bird flu) in the UK and the disease control measures in place.

‘Drop-in’ on Pevensey Bay to Eastbourne Coastal Management plans

The Environment Agency and Eastbourne Borough Council are urging residents and organisations to attend one of a series of drop-ins and webinars.

County Durham man fined for illegal fish killing

The Environment Agency is urging anglers and rivers users to remain vigilant to suspicious activity after a man is fined for killing fish with banned equipment.

Transparency data: Defra major projects: appointment letters for Senior Responsible Owners

Defra appointment letters for Government Major Projects Portfolio (GMPP) Senior Responsible Owners (SROs).