Research: Joint agency investigation into Teesside and Yorkshire Coast Crab and Lobster mortalities

Defra report published into dead crabs and lobsters on the north-east coast.

Guidance: CITES: UK import suspensions (negative opinions)

Check if a CITES item that you want to import is listed as having an import suspension due to its trade being considered unsustainable.

Tamar salmon tagged to provide vital data on health of fish stocks

The Environment Agency has completed the mammoth task of tagging more than 4,000 juvenile salmon smolts (juveniles) before they leave the River Tamar and head out to sea.

Transparency data: Defra: spending over £25,000, March 2022

Reports on departmental spending over £25,000.

Transparency data: Defra: spending over £500, March 2022

Spending by electronic purchasing card solution (ePCS), over £500.