Guidance: Avian influenza (bird flu): cases and disease control zones in England

Current and suspected cases of avian influenza (bird flu) in the UK and the disease control measures in place.

Planning permission granted for footpath improvement work on lower Otter valley

Work to raise the height of a popular public footpath west of the Lower Otter Restoration Project site is due to begin in August 2022.

Press release: Forestry Commission takes robust action to combat spread of tree disease

New plant health requirements introduced following further findings of the tree pathogen Phytophthora pluvialis to combat further spread.

Press release: Up to 1000 farmers able to boost their businesses and add extra value to produce

New £30 million funding grants to help farmers boost their businesses and add extra value to their produce.

Environment Agency boosts water quality monitoring to help tackle pollution on the River Wye

Citizen science data helps inform plans to tackle pollution on the River Wye