Guidance: Carrier bag charges: retailers’ responsibilities

Find out when you must charge a minimum of 10 pence for single-use carrier bags, bags you’re not required to charge for and the records you must keep and submit.

Guidance: Avian influenza (bird flu): cases and disease control zones in England

Current and suspected cases of avian influenza (bird flu) in the UK and the disease control measures in place.

Guidance: Bovine TB: Badger vaccination training

How to apply for training to set cage traps and vaccinate badgers.

Guidance: Check regulatory issues and consents that could affect an SFI standards agreement

Find out how regulatory issues and consents could affect your SFI standards agreement.

Guidance: How to do the actions in the improved grassland soils standard

Advice for farmers on how to complete the actions in the improved grassland soils standard of the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI).