National Statistics: Historical statistical notices on Total Income from Farming in England

Previously published copies of the National Statistics publication on ‘Total Income from Farming’ in England, a measure of the performance of the agricultural industry.

Press release: More funding for sustainable farm-based proteins, as George Eustice visits innovative farm

The Environment Secretary will announce funding to improve the efficiency and sustainability of farm-based protein production.

Policy paper: EM on amendment to EU regulation 2011/65 (C(2022)3040)

The Government’s summary of an amendment to EU regulation 2011/65 concerning the use of lead in in superconducting components.

Policy paper: EM on an amendment to EU regulation 2011/65 (C(2022)3041)

The Government’s summary of an amendment to EU regulation 2011/65 concerning the use of lead in certain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) devices.

Transparency data: Defra: spending over £500, November 2021

Spending by electronic purchasing card solution (ePCS), over £500.