Tamar salmon tagged to provide vital data on health of fish stocks

The Environment Agency has completed the mammoth task of tagging more than 4,000 juvenile salmon smolts (juveniles) before they leave the River Tamar and head out to sea.

50 projects receive up to £100,000 each to boost investment in nature

Projects include rewetting lowland peat to grow plant fibre material to use as padding for clothes.

Lincolnshire man fined £21,000 for storing waste illegally

Two-year fly-tip racket catches up with pensioner

Courts hand out hefty fine to angler fishing without a licence on Lake Windermere

An Accrington man who was caught illegally fishing by the Environment Agency on Lake Windermere has been heavily fined by the courts.

Norfolk men fined over £600 after fishing illegally

Cases were heard at Hastings Magistrates' Court where all the men pleaded guilty.