Press release: Coarse fishing river close season – Public consultation

A public consultation will be conducted on the future of the coarse fishing close season on rivers in England. The consultation is open for 8 weeks, starting on 14 January 2019 and ending on 11 March 2019.

Press release: Somerset farmer ordered to pay nearly £4,000 for stream pollution

Watercourse affected by liquid silage and slurry

Press release: Busy 40th year for Kielder Salmon Centre

Around 360,000 salmon and 20,000 sea trout have been released into tributaries of the River Tyne this year as the centre celebrated its 40th anniversary.

Press release: Polluter to submit plans for River Witham repairs

The Environment Agency has served a ‘notice of liability’ for a pollution incident that killed at least 100,000 fish in Lincolnshire.

Press release: Report floating pennywort this winter, says Environment Agency

Reminder issued after EA removes 1,000 tonnes of the invasive species from the Anglian region’s rivers