50 first dates for Salisbury’s most eligible water voles

A colony of water voles moved from Salisbury to Ringwood has just had a population boom with 50 new males and females moving in to make the population viable.

Almost £5million investment brings boost to Yorkshire environment

More than 82 hectares of habitat has been created or improved in the past year as part of the Environment Agency’s programme of improvements across Yorkshire.

Multi-million pound investment brings environmental improvements

The Environment Agency has worked together with partners to invest almost £3m in environmental improvements in the North East over the past year.

All of England’s South West region now in drought

Bristol, Somerset, Dorset, south Gloucestershire and parts of Wiltshire have now moved to drought status.

Sutton Harbour maintenance rescheduled for 2023

Essential work to repair Sutton Harbour lock gates for mid-September 2022 to April 2023 will be rescheduled following feedback from engagement meetings.