Environment Agency launches Flood Action Campaign 2020

Research released to coincide with Flood Action Week (9th – 15th November) highlights how flood damage could have an even more devastating impact on victims than usual this winter, with half of adults saying they feel their …

South Yorkshire defences repaired one year on from floods

Flood defences across South Yorkshire, damaged by the November 2019 floods, have been repaired or have temporary repairs or measures in place for winter, as part of a regional flood recovery programme.

Communities at risk of flooding urged to apply for a share of £200m resilience programme

Flood and Coastal Resilience Innovation Programme will help communities improve resilience to flooding and coastal change

Portland Scrap Metal fined for keeping waste vehicles

The Dorset firm disputed the vehicles were end-of-life when they entered the site but admitted breaching the enforcement notice after ignoring several warnings.

London Hammersmith tobacco company overlooks packaging obligations

Philip Morris makes amends for waste recycling error.