Convicted waste crime offender ordered to pay £2.1 million

A convicted waste crime offender has been ordered to pay £2,101,708 following a confiscation case brought by the Environment Agency.

Somerset rivers stocked with fish in run-up to Christmas

Thousands of fish have found new homes just in time for Christmas thanks to the Environment Agency’s annual restocking of Somerset’s rivers.

New £5 million project to save woodlands

Natural England’s LIFE in the Ravines project is launched today with £5 million of funding.

Ilkley gets green light for first river bathing site in England

Part of the River Wharfe at Ilkley becomes the first river bathing site in England, which will help to make the water cleaner and safer for local swimmers

A long-buried Kent stream is brought back into the daylight

Uncovering of Bourne Stream will support plant and animal life, and reduce risk of flooding to nearby area.