Climate emergency impacts hitting “worst case scenario” levels

As the Government's roadmap out of lockdown is announced the Environment Agency chief calls for same effort in tackling the “unseen pandemic”

Better regulation needed to protect environment and boost economy, says Environment Agency Chief Executive

Sir James Bevan calls for better regulation to protect the environment as new report highlights the importance of environmental regulation in England.

Yarm flood defences to be reviewed

The Environment Agency is carrying out a review of Yarm’s flood defences to ensure the best protection for 500 homes and businesses.

Work to repair river breach at local nature reserve gets underway

The Environment Agency have begun work to fix a breached riverbank on the River Alt at Lunt meadows Nature Reserve and flood storage area in the latest phase of response to last month’s floods.

Upper Tamar rivers to benefit from fishery and habitat improvements

Three tributaries of the River Tamar in Devon are about to be improved thanks to a new partnership project supported by the Environment Agency.