New resources encourage young farmers to protect the environment

Resources encouraging less waste are live on the National Federation of Young Farmers’ Club website.

Tackling gender inequality is crucial for climate adaptation

Emma Howard Boyd, Chair of the Environment, speaking at an International Women's Day event organised by the COP26 presidency, in partnership with Chatham House

Corby man jailed and facing costs of £750,000 for waste crime

A Northamptonshire man, who was jailed in January, after a decade of waste offences was ordered this week to pay £12,500 in costs and £140 in victim surcharge.

£7m beach management reduces flood risk on Lincolnshire coast

Sand will be topped up on beaches between Saltfleet and Gibraltar Point, reducing the risk of flooding for Lincolnshire's coastal communities.

Call for volunteers to play vital role during flooding

The Environment Agency is calling on residents in a Northumberland village to register as Flood Wardens.