Arrests made in illegal waste crime investigation

Five individuals have been arrested today (20 April) following an investigation by the Environment Agency into large-scale waste crime activity.

Work starts to repair Northumberland river bank

The Environment Agency will start work this month to repair a heavily eroded river bank in Haydon Bridge.

Hebden Bridge flood warning siren test

A flood warning siren will be sounded in Hebden Bridge as a test between 2 and 3pm this Thursday 22 April.

Experts meet to reduce waste and prevent plastic pollution

Preventing plastic waste will be the focus of an open virtual workshop for businesses in the Solent area today (19 April 2021).

Jail sentence for businessman who filled former quarry with dangerous waste

A rogue trader has been jailed for allowing thousands of tonnes of waste – including hazardous material – to be illegally deposited at a site in Somerset.