Guidance: Farmers: how to apply for funding to improve animal health and welfare

Apply for funding for a vet to visit your farm to reduce endemic diseases and conditions, increase animal productivity and improve animal welfare.

Guidance: Vets: how to do an animal health and welfare review and endemic disease follow-up

Check what to do when you visit a farm for a review or follow-up. This includes details of testing, how to advise the farmer, and what information you need to provide.

Press release: Government to consult on five new Fisheries Management Plans

Consultations open for five new draft Fisheries Management Plans to secure the sustainability of UK fish stocks

Accredited official statistics: Cereal and oilseed rape production

Information on wheat, barley, oats, oilseed and minor cereal crop production.

Research: Bluetongue: epidemiology reports

Investigations carried out to describe and explain cases of bluetongue.