Guidance: Countryside Stewardship: get funding to protect and improve the land you manage

What farmers, foresters and land managers need to know and do before applying for a Countryside Stewardship grant, and how to manage a grant agreement.

Guidance: Changing uncultivated, semi-natural and rural land: when you need permission

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) (Agriculture) Regulations protect uncultivated, semi-natural and rural land. Find out when and how to get permission to make changes to land.

Statistical data set: Banana prices

Average weekly wholesale prices of bananas by country of origin

Statistical data set: Wholesale fruit and vegetable prices

Series of weekly average wholesale market prices of selected home grown horticultural produce.

Guidance: Bluetongue movement licences, designated slaughterhouses and slaughter markets

When you need to use movement licences, the designated slaughterhouses to use for bluetongue restricted premises, and selling animals from a bluetongue zone.