Detailed guide: Waste: environmental permits
How to apply for standard rules and bespoke permits for using, treating, storing and disposing of waste, and check when you do not need a permit. read more
How to apply for standard rules and bespoke permits for using, treating, storing and disposing of waste, and check when you do not need a permit. read more
When you need an environmental permit to discharge liquid effluent or waste water to surface water or onto the ground, and how to apply. read more
Applicants should use the capital grant form and relevant annex to apply for a grant for capital items for hedgerows and boundaries, or woodland support schemes. read more
How to apply for an exemption or compensation for a proportion of the indirect costs of funding the Contracts for Difference, renewables obligation and small scale feed-in tariffs. read more
The actions you need to take and project management procedures you need to complete on success of your application. read more