News story: Government sets out plans for ivory ban

The UK will impose a ban on ivory sales to help bring an end to the poaching of elephants, under plans announced by Environment Secretary Michael Gove today.

The proposals will protect elephants and help combat poaching by removing opportunities for criminals to trade illegally-poached ivory. Today’s plans will be subject to a 12 week consultation and cover items of all ages, not only those created after a certain date.

The number of elephants has declined by almost a third in the last decade and around 20,000 a year are still being slaughtered due to the global demand for ivory. If current rates of poaching continue, elephants could become extinct within decades in some African countries, meaning that future generations of children may only see these majestic creatures alive in zoos.

The decline of elephants would also deprive some of the poorest countries in the world of their valuable natural capital, affecting economic growth and sustainable development.

As profits become ever greater, the illegal wildlife trade has become a transnational organised enterprise, estimated to be worth up to £17 billion a year.

Environment Secretary Michael Gove said:

The decline in the elephant population fuelled by poaching for ivory shames our generation. The need for radical and robust action to protect one of the world’s most iconic and treasured species is beyond dispute.

Ivory should never be seen as a commodity for financial gain or a status symbol – so we want to ban its sale.

These plans will put the UK front and centre of global efforts to end the insidious trade in ivory.

Stop Ivory’s chief executive, John Stephenson, said:

Stop Ivory and its partners welcome today’s action by the UK Government. By starting the process to bring in a total ban on ivory sales in the UK, the Government continues to work with the African countries leading the Elephant Protection Initiative to secure a meaningful future for elephants across Africa – the initiative the Government helped launch at the London Conference on Illegal Wildlife Trade in 2014.

The unprecedented crisis we face – with Africa’s natural heritage being destroyed and communities put at risk due to poaching by illegal armed gangs – will only stop when people stop buying ivory. Along with our partners, we congratulate the Government on this important step and look forward to working with it and our colleagues to ensure the ban is implemented robustly and without delay.

In line with the approach taken by other countries, the Government is proposing certain narrowly-defined and carefully-targeted exemptions for items which do not contribute to the poaching of elephants and where a ban would be unwarranted.

The consultation proposes four categories of exemptions:

  • musical instruments;
  • items containing only a small proportion of ivory, a de minimis exemption;
  • items of significant historic, artistic or cultural value;
  • and sales to and between museums

The Government will work with conservationists, the arts and antiques sectors and other interested parties through the consultation period on exactly how these exemptions can be defined, implemented and enforced so as to ensure there is no room for loopholes which continue to fuel the poaching of elephants.

Current rules allow worked ivory items produced after 3 March 1947 to be sold with a certificate, with no restrictions at all on worked ivory produced before that date. The trade of raw ivory of any age is already prohibited. The existing regulations will be considerably strengthened through the new proposals.

This new ban will build on Government work both at home and overseas to tackle poaching and the illegal ivory trade. The UK military trains an elite force of anti-poachers in African countries, and Border Force officers share their expertise in identifying smuggled ivory with counterparts worldwide to stop wildlife trafficking.

In October 2018, the UK will host a fourth international conference on the illegal wildlife, bringing global leaders to London to tackle the strategic challenges of the trade. This follows the ground breaking London 2014 conference on the illegal wildlife trade, and subsequent conferences in Botswana and Vietnam.

The consultation will run for 12 weeks, closing on 29 December.

Consultation outcome: Revised requirements for radiological protection: regulation of public exposures and the justification of practices

Updated: Government consultation response.

The 2013 Euratom Basic Safety Standards Directive (2013/59/EURATOM) lays down safety standards for protecting against the dangers arising from exposure to ionising radiation.

We’re seeking views on the proposals for implementing the requirements of the Directive in relation to planned and existing public exposure situations and the justification of practices involving ionising radiation.

The proposals will be of particular interest to a wide range of commercial and public sector organisations, including hospitals, universities, the nuclear industry and other industries that work with radioactive substances or which generate or manage radioactive waste.

There are a number of supporting documents included with this consultation:

  • the impact assessment details the economic and environmental benefits associated with the government’s regulatory decisions
  • Schedule 23 to the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016, marked with proposed draft amendments for comment, to be read alongside the consultation proposals
  • BEIS will also publish during the course of this consultation the proposed draft amendments to the Justification of Practices Involving Ionising Radiation Regulations 2004 for comment

Policy proposals setting out changes to the Radioactive Contaminated Land (RCL) regime are presented in this consultation. BEIS will consult separately on updated RCL statutory guidance and amendments to the RCL legislation following consideration of the results of this consultation.

A further set of regulations, implementing a handful of miscellaneous policy proposals in this consultation, will also be prepared. We don’t propose to consult on these regulations.

We will notify interested parties when the draft amendments to the Justification of Practices Involving Ionising Radiation Regulations are released and when the consultation on the RCL statutory guidance and amendments to the RCL regime is launched.

Open consultation: Revised requirements for radiological protection: emergency preparedness and response

This consultation is relevant to those working with radiological material, in particular where an emergency as a result of that work with radiological material might have an impact on the public.

Emergency planners working in local authorities will also have an interest in the topics on which we are consulting.

Press release: Vital renovation for sea wall at Walton on the Naze

The sea wall at Walton on the Naze helps to protect a wetland site of designated international importance under the Ramsar Convention.

The repair work will ensure the wall remains an effective flood defence for years to come and prevent any further deterioration.

Starting later this month, a section of the tidal defence embankment will be refurbished over a 3 month period.
The project will see the renovation of a 1.7 kilometre stretch of the embankment, running north up the coast from Foundry Lane.

The work is being carried out by civil engineering contractors Breheny and will take place on the crest and seaward sides of the embankment.

Work is due to begin in the week commencing 9 October 2017 and normal working hours will be from 7:30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Kerry Bentley, Asset Performance Officer for the Environment Agency, said:

This is very important work and will ensure the sea wall can continue to provide an effective level of protection in the area for years to come.

The damaged sections of existing sea wall will be removed and new sections will be added.

The old blocks will be placed at the toe of the sea wall as habitat and to help reduce wave impact.

In order to ensure the safe delivery of these works we will need to redirect short sections of the footpath to the rear of the wall.

Notice: AL7 4SR, The Honeywagon Co Ltd: environmental permit issued

Updated: Uploaded an amended variation and consolidation notice

The Environment Agency publish permits that they issue under the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED).

This decision includes the permit and decision document for:

  • Operator name: The Honeywagon Co Ltd
  • Installation name: Welwyn Garden City Hazardous Waste Treatment and Transfer Facility
  • Permit number: EPR/ZP3535TP/V009