Corporate report: Environment Agency annual report and accounts 2016 to 2017

The report details operational and financial information and highlights projects and progress towards the Environment Agency’s corporate objectives.

Official Statistics: UK protected site Extent and Condition Statistics results to 2016

The extent indicator is a calculation of the net (non-overlapping) extent of protected areas using mean high water as the boundary between the at-sea and on-land measures. The indicator was expanded in 2014 to include wider countryside designations. The extent of protected areas is assessed over time since 1950, in the marine and terrestrial environments. The site condition statistic covers the cumulative proportion of Areas of Special Scientific Interest (Northern Ireland) and Sites of Special Scientific Interest (England and Scotland) in ‘favourable’ or ‘unfavourable-recovering’ condition, over the last decade. These statistics are part of the UK Biodiversity Indicators.

Official Statistics: Latest official statistics on tuberculosis (TB) in cattle in Great Britain – monthly

Updated: Updated with latest statistical notice for July 2018.

This publication presents official monthly statistics on tuberculosis (TB) in cattle (i.e. bovine TB) in Great Britain. The statistics are obtained from the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) work management IT support system, which is used for the administration of TB testing in GB. They are a snapshot of the position on the date on which the data were extracted. The information is subject to regular revision until all test results are available.

More detailed statistics for GB, England, Scotland, Wales and the English regions are provided in the accompanying spreadsheets. These datasets are updated monthly. The full statistical notice, including the headline statistics, is updated every quarter.

  • for quarterly national statistics see here
  • for datasets see here

Next update: see the statistics release calendar

For further information you can contact:
Twitter: @DefraStats

Statistical data set: Tuberculosis (TB) in cattle in Great Britain

Updated: Updated monthly datasets to July 2018.

This data series presents statistics on tuberculosis (TB) in cattle (i.e. bovine TB) in Great Britain. The statistics are obtained from the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) work management IT support system, which is used for the administration of TB testing in GB. They are a snapshot of the position on the date on which the data were extracted. The information is subject to regular revision until all test results are available.

This data series are updated monthly with accompanying statistical notice. A full national statistical notice including headline data is updated every quarter.

  • for monthly official statistical notice see here
  • for quarterly national statistical notice see here

Next update: see the statistics release calendar

For further information you can contact:
Twitter: @DefraStats

Corporate report: Environment Agency Active Pension Fund annual report and financial statements 2016 to 2017

The report highlights:

  • financial performance
  • governance
  • environmental footprint
  • progress towards the funds responsible investment strategy