Form: OV56: Cancellation of Animal Health Paraprofessional (AHP) status

Use this form to tell APHA that you no longer want to be an Approved Tuberculin Tester (ATT) or Certification Support Officer (CSO).

Guidance: Become an Approved Tuberculin Tester (ATT)

How to get and maintain an ATT qualification, and what to do if you want to end your authorisation.

Guidance: OV invoicing for miscellaneous tasks and DNA packing and tagging

How to submit claims invoices to the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) if you’re an Official Veterinarian (OV) working in England or Wales.

Form: TN184: Request to carry out TB testing of non-bovine species

Use this form to get approval from the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) to carry out private tuberculosis (TB) testing of non-bovine species.

Form: ET222: OCQ (AHP) – CSO request for eligibility

Certification Support Officers (CSOs) can use this form to ask for approval to register on the CSO Official Controls Qualification on the basis of experience.