Guidance: Pet travel: approved air, sea and rail carriers and routes

Check the transport companies and routes you can use to bring your pet cat, dog or ferret to England, Scotland or Wales.

Map: Local nature recovery strategies: areas and responsible authorities

Map showing the local nature recovery strategy (LNRS) areas in England and the responsible authority who will lead the preparation of each strategy.

Guidance: Extended producer responsibility for packaging: who is affected and what to do

How UK organisations that supply or import packaging should comply with extended producer responsibility (EPR) for packaging.

Guidance: Packaging data: what to collect for extended producer responsibility

A guide to collecting data about your packaging. This is for UK organisations affected by extended producer responsibility (EPR) for packaging.

Guidance: Extended producer responsibility for packaging: how to assess household and non-household packaging

How to assess household and non-household packaging if you’re a UK organisation affected by extended producer responsibility (EPR) for packaging.