Official Statistics: Fly-tipping statistics for England

Annual incidents of fly tipping in England. (Statistical notice and datasets updated on 13 March 2024).

Policy paper: Government response to the National Infrastructure Commission’s study: Reducing the risk of surface water flooding

The government response to National Infrastructure Commission’s study about reducing the risk of surface water flooding.

Guidance: What you can count towards a development’s biodiversity net gain

How developers can use habitat creation or enhancements to count towards their biodiversity net gain (BNG).

Press release: New government-backed nature funding platform sees first corporate donations in major step for green finance

Lloyds Banking Group provides £250,000 funding to three nature restoration projects in England through the ‘Projects for Nature online’ platform

Transparency data: Defra: spending over £25,000, November 2021

Reports on departmental spending over £25,000.