Guidance: Guidance to help inform when an upland breeding wader survey is needed and when woodland creation is likely to be appropriate

This guidance has been jointly produced by Defra, Forestry Commission and Natural England to help ensure that proposals for afforestation identify and avoid important breeding wader sites.

Guidance: Transiting animals and animal products through Great Britain

Rules to follow if you’re moving animals or animal products from one country to another and transiting through Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales), known as ‘landbridge’ movements.

Research: Unlocking resource efficiency

Research into industrial resource efficiency: minimising new resource use and maximising recycled, reused, remanufactured and low carbon materials to decarbonise industry.

Import goods into the UK: step by step

How to bring goods into the UK from any country, including how much tax and duty you’ll need to pay and whether you need to get a licence or certificate.

Form: EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland ship supplies declaration

From 30 April 2024, use this form for ship supplies declarations for goods from the EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland destined for ships leaving Great Britain.