Enhancements to Special 100% Loan Guarantee


The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:

     HKMC Insurance Limited (HKMCI), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited, announces that, with the approval of financial commitment by the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council today (April 18), the total guarantee commitment of the Special 100% Loan Guarantee under the SME Financing Guarantee Scheme (SFGS) is increased to HK$50 billion. The maximum loan amount per enterprise is increased to HK$4 million and the principal moratorium arrangement is extended to the first 12 months. The Special 100% Loan Guarantee will start receiving applications from next Monday (April 20), and the application period is extended to one year. 
     For public enquiries, please call the SFGS Hotline at 2536 0392.

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