EMSD wins Gold Award at CIC Construction Digitalisation Award 2021 in Organisation (Client) category (with photo)

     The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) received the Gold Award at the CIC Construction Digitalisation Award 2021 in the category of Organisation (Client) today (November 1).

     The Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services, Mr Eric Pang, said at the award presentation ceremony, "Winning the Gold Award under the Organisation (Client) category is the greatest encouragement to our teams. The EMSD will continue to stride ahead, co-innovate and co-create with our partners and stakeholders to unlock unlimited possibilities of the digital future for the betterment of the society."

     The EMSD has all along been proactive in applying new technologies to enhance service quality, and is committed to ensuring that electrical, mechanical and energy technologies are harnessed in a safe, reliable, economical and environmentally friendly manner to improve the public's quality of life. The EMSD formulated a five-year strategic plan in 2018 to continuously innovate in innovation and technology, provide digitised electrical and mechanical (E&M) engineering solutions for clients, maximise public value with the interests of the community in mind, and move towards a new era of E&M 2.0.  

     The EMSD established the Government-Wide Internet-of-Things Network and Regional Digital Control Centre to enhance the operational efficiency and environmental performance of E&M equipment through digitisation. The EMSD has also been actively developing and promoting the use of the Building Information Modelling – Asset Management system, which allows maintenance staff to monitor equipment operation conditions in real time, and diagnose and locate incidents on mobile devices, to enhance maintenance services. In addition, the EMSD established strategic partnerships with academic and research institutions through the E&M InnoPortal, with an aim of supporting government bureaux and departments in identifying suitable E&M related innovation and technology solutions.

     The CIC Construction Digitalisation Award 2021, organised by the Construction Industry Council (CIC), aims to recognise outstanding local projects and organisations for their contributions in promoting and adopting digitalisation tools and workflows, and bringing about innovative technology to improve productivity, quality, sustainability and safety. For details, please visit www.cdaward.cic.hk.
