EMSD responds to findings of investigation into MTRCL staff assessment mechanism

     The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) today (August 31) made the following response with regard to the investigation report submitted by the MTR Corporation Limited (MTRCL) on its assessment mechanism for the qualification of Engineer's Person-in-charge (EPIC):
     The Government has always accorded top priority to railway safety and has put in place a stringent regulatory system. The EMSD regulates and monitors the safe operation of the railway system according to the Mass Transit Railway Ordinance and its subsidiary regulations, including monitoring the qualifications and training of railway staff. After learning in June this year of the alleged collective cheating in the MTRCL's EPIC course examinations, the EMSD immediately requested the MTRCL to carry out an investigation into the allegations. The EMSD has in parallel conducted an independent investigation.
     The investigation carried out by the EMSD found no evidence that suggested examination leakage or collective cheating by examination candidates, though it does find there is room for improvement concerning the examination system. The EMSD has requested the MTRCL to implement various improvement measures and will closely monitor the MTRCL in implementing these measures in a timely manner, including carrying out random inspections to ensure that the examination system concerned is robust in order to safeguard the safe operation of the railway system.