EMSD introduces new measures to support renewable energy development in community

     To combat climate change, the Government is actively promoting the development of renewable energy (RE) to encourage and support the community to install distributed RE systems. The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) launched the revamped Hong Kong Renewable Energy Net (HK RE Net) (re.emsd.gov.hk) today (May 24) to improve public access to related information. The EMSD has also set up a one-stop enquiry hotline to provide information on the installation of RE systems and answer related enquiries.
     To promote RE development in the community, the EMSD uploaded on the website the latest information on the Feed-in Tariff (FiT) Scheme and Renewable Energy Certificate, reference lists of RE equipment suppliers and photovoltaic (PV) system contractors, and information on arrangements regarding the grid connection of RE systems and other reference materials. The above information will be updated from time to time.
     Apart from visiting the EMSD website, members of the public may also call the EMSD hotline at 6395 2930 for details. The EMSD will also organise seminars for the industry to learn about the details of the FiT Scheme and to share experiences.
     A Government spokesman said that the new information on the website and support services provided by the EMSD could assist enterprises, property management companies, non-government organisations and the community to better understand technical details and application procedures involving various Government departments, as well as points to note for installing PV panels. The spokesman also called on enterprises and the community to join the FiT Scheme or purchase RE certificates to contribute to the development of RE.