Emily Thornberry response to High Court’s ruling that UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia are legal

Thornberry MP, Labour’s Shadow Foreign Secretary,
responding to the High Court’s
ruling that UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia are legal, said:

is a frustrating setback, but that is all it is. It will not for one
second stop us fighting for justice on behalf of the thousands of
civilians killed by Saudi air-strikes, and working for peace on behalf of the
millions of ordinary Yemenis currently living in fear of violence, famine and

particular, we must first redouble our efforts to force the UK Government
to support an independent, UN-led investigation into alleged violations
of international humanitarian law by the Saudi coalition, one the
Government will not be able to circumvent through the presentation of secret
evidence in closed sessions of court.

second, we must continue to demand that the Government brings forward the
peace plan that the UN has been waiting for Britain to present for the
last nine months, and does not treat today’s judgement as a green light to
continue pushing for a military solution which can only bring more death,
misery and hardship to the people of Yemen.”