EIB Group Press Conference on Annual Results – EU bank closes 2019 with stronger results in climate finance and a record number of deals

  • Share of climate financing rises to 31% of EIB’s total, underlining the Bank’s commitment to play a key role in the European Green Deal and the fight against global warming.
  • EIB Group financing increases by 13% to more than EUR 72 billion.
  • Highest number of financing operations: 1 095, up 28% from 2018.
  • EIB financing outside the EU brings 10-year total to almost EUR 70 billion, of which almost EUR 22 billion to Africa.
  • EIB President Werner Hoyer: “The EU bank is more relevant than ever for climate action and Europe’s competitiveness.”

In a challenging year, the European Investment Bank Group (EIB) exceeded its own targets, signing a record number of 1 095 operations and increasing financing volumes to EUR 72.22 billion. This was in spite of uncertainty and delays linked to Brexit and to the need for the remaining EU Member States to come to an agreement, last spring, over the replacement of the UK’s share of EIB capital. 

“The EU bank has performed well in the markets, proving that there is strong demand for its products. It has also won support from the Member States in addressing and resolving the Brexit challenge”, EIB President Werner Hoyer said at the EIB Group’s annual press conference on 30 January in Brussels.

The financing provided by the EIB Group in 2019 supports total investment of around EUR 280 billion in Europe and worldwide, an increase of EUR 50 billion compared to 2018.

“We are able to reach out and work with a larger number of smaller projects contributing to prosperity in Europe and beyond. This more targeted approach allows us to maximise our impact in terms of total investment supported. This is sharper, smarter investment,” said Hoyer.

Ramping up climate action

A record 31% share of EIB financing went into climate action projects, transforming Europe’s energy markets, but also mitigating the effects of climate change and helping people in greatly affected areas to adapt. “Now, as Europe puts a strong emphasis on climate action, the EIB has decided to strengthen its role as the European Union’s climate bank. We are ramping up our climate action. The EU bank plays an integral part in the European Green Deal announced by the new President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen,” Hoyer said.