EESC launches its 2017 Civil Society Prize

Rewards to go to best projects to integrate people into labour market

The EESC has launched its 2017 Civil Society Prize. This year, the EESC will reward innovative projects to promote quality employment and entrepreneurship for the future of work undertaken by civil society, focusing on young people, migrants and other people who have difficulty accessing the labour market.

A total of EUR 50.000 will be awarded to a maximum of five winners. The deadline for applications is 8 September 2017 while the award ceremony will take place on 7 December 2017 in Brussels.

Almost ten years after the peak of the financial and economic crisis the European Union is still struggling with high levels of unemployment, despite recent improvements. That is why this year the EESC has decided to reward the best innovative projects which promote quality jobs, entrepreneurship or self-employment, and thus fight to reverse the trend.

The prize will be granted to initiatives already implemented or still ongoing which favour non-discrimination as regards labour market integration. Initiatives must target newcomers such as young people, people with a migrant background or requiring specific support such as the long-term unemployed, women detached from the labour market, people with disabilities or living in poverty.

The Civil Society Prize, now in its ninth year, was launched by the EESC to reward and encourage tangible initiatives and achievements by civil society organisations and/or individuals that have made a significant contribution to promoting the common values that shore up European cohesion and integration. In 2016 the Prize focused on migration.

Further details and the application form are available here.