EDB to resume normal public services

     As the epidemic situation has stabilised, offices of the Education Bureau (EDB) will resume normal public services starting from Monday (May 4).

     A spokesman for the EDB said today (May 1) that all Regional Education Offices, the Joint Office for Kindergartens and Child Care Centres, the School Places Allocation Section, the Qualifications Framework Secretariat and other service units will resume normal opening hours starting from Monday.

     In light of the need for epidemic control, all offices will carry out measures to avoid group gatherings and continue to implement social distancing and infection control measures. Meanwhile, members of the public are encouraged to use alternative means to receive the services they need (such as on-line applications, by telephone, etc).

     The following public facilities of the EDB will remain closed to the public temporarily during the class suspension period until further notice:

1. Hong Kong Teachers' Centre, Special Education Resource Centre, Central Resources Centre and Young Achievers' Gallery located at Kowloon Tong Education Services Centre; and

2. Arts and Technology Education Centre (including STEM Education Centre).