EDB provides latest guidelines on display of national flag and conduct of national flag raising ceremony in schools

     The Education Bureau (EDB) today (October 11) issued a circular to all primary, secondary schools (including special schools) and kindergartens in Hong Kong, providing the latest guidelines on the inclusion of the national flag and national emblem in primary and secondary education, as well as matters relating to the display of the national flag and regional flag, and conduct of a national flag raising ceremony in schools, including information on relevant curriculum resources and support measures for schools' reference.

     A spokesman for the EDB said, "The National Flag and National Emblem (Amendment) Ordinance 2021 was gazetted and came into effect last Friday (October 8). According to the Ordinance, the Secretary for Education (SED) is required to give directions for the inclusion of the national flag and national emblem in primary and secondary education to educate students on the history and spirit of the national flag and national emblem, the regulation of displaying and using the national flag, and the etiquette to be followed in a national flag raising ceremony; as well as give directions to schools for matters relating to the daily display of the national flag and the weekly conduct of a national flag raising ceremony."

     The spokesman said that the national flag, national emblem and national anthem are symbols and signs representing our country, and should be respected by all citizens. To cultivate students' sense of national identity is one of the key learning goals of primary and secondary education and also the educational obligation of schools. The learning contents about the national flag, national emblem, national anthem and regional flag have long been incorporated into different subjects under the local curriculum of primary and secondary schools. The EDB has also been providing schools with relevant curriculum resources and teacher professional development programmes to assist schools in implementing the relevant education programmes.

     The spokesman said, "To promote national education and help students develop a sense of belonging to the country, an affection for the Chinese people and enhance their sense of national identity, starting from January 1, 2022, all primary and secondary schools (including special schools) must display the national flag on each school day, as well as New Year's Day (January 1), the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Establishment Day (July 1) and National Day (October 1). Schools should display the regional flag alongside the national flag if there are adequate flagpoles. Schools are also required to conduct a national flag raising ceremony weekly and on the above days or the preceding/following school day. The national anthem should be played and sung in a national flag raising ceremony. Schools are strongly advised to conduct a national flag raising ceremony on important days and special occasions (such as graduation ceremonies and swimming galas/sports days)."

     He continued, "As far as conditions permit, kindergartens should, having considered factors such as availability of space, facilities and environment, follow the requirements for primary and secondary schools on displaying the national flag and regional flag, and conducting a national flag raising ceremony so that students can learn about the national flag and national anthem of their own country from an early age. International schools and other private primary, secondary schools and kindergartens offering solely non-local curricula are also encouraged to refer to the requirements for primary and secondary schools, and arrange for displaying the national flag and conducting a national flag raising ceremony based on the actual school circumstances, in order to enable students of different ethnicities or nationalities to learn about the culture and history of the country where they live."

     The circular issued today also sets out the curriculum support measures and relevant learning and teaching resources continuously provided by the EDB, including the "National Education One-stop Portal" online resources platform (www.edb.gov.hk/en/neosp) and the "Getting to Know the National Flag, the National Emblem, the National Anthem and the Regional Flag" theme-based webpage (www.edb.gov.hk/en/nationalsymbols), so as to support the school sector in enabling students to learn about and respect the national flag, national emblem and regional flag, as well as to sing the national anthem.

     As regards post-secondary education institutions, the Ordinance stipulates that, for dealing with matters relating to the daily display of the national flag and the weekly conduct of a national flag raising ceremony, a post-secondary education institution must make reference to the directions given by the SED to primary and secondary schools. The EDB issued a letter today to relevant institutions to remind them of their responsibilities under the Ordinance.