EDB clarification
Regarding a media report which claimed that officials of the Education Bureau (EDB) already knew the questions of the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination before the commencement of the examination and "set up a trap to frame others", a spokesman for the EDB today (May 16) clarified that the EDB so far has not deployed any staff member to join the Moderation Committee (MC) of the History subject of the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA).
According to the EDB's record, a teacher being employed by the EDB had already been invited by the HKEAA to serve on the relevant MC in his personal capacity before joining the EDB. After employment, the teacher has applied for outside work to continue his duties in the MC. Due to the confidentially protocol, the staff member concerned did not and cannot disclose the content of the examination questions to anyone including colleagues or seniors in the EDB.
The HKEAA takes full responsibility of the membership of the MC. In the past two years, the EDB repeatedly requested to nominate staff to join different subjects' committees. But it is entirely the HKEAA to decide on the acceptance of nomination, duties to be assigned and at which stage a member would be involved in setting and moderating questions.
In 2019, the EDB nominated a staff member to join the MC of the History subject of the HKEAA but no officer was eventually invited. The EDB has also asked for joining the MCs of other subjects. Even if a staff member is invited to serve as a member of the committee, he should abide by strict confidentiality and must not disclose the content of the examination questions to others including any person in the EDB.
The controversy this time is about the appropriateness of the HKDSE History Examination questions. The EDB urges all sectors to face up to the relevant issues together and not to be deliberately misled or have their attention diverted.
A media organisation, before grasping the facts, reported that the EDB knew the questions before the examination and "set up a trap to frame others". The EDB expresses deep regret as it has seriously undermined the integrity of the bureau.