Economy Secretary to hold Brexit trade talks with North Wales Businesses

Business leaders from some of North Wales’ most prominent exporters will give their views on the challenges and opportunities presented by Brexit.
Joining Airbus will be Deeside Cereals, Halen Môn, Plas Farm Foods, Qioptiq, Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics and Silverlining Furniture Group.

The latest statistics show over 60% of Welsh exports worth nearly £10billion currently go to EU countries.

Taking into account the 70 plus countries with Free Trade Agreements that the UK has access to through its membership of the EU’s Customs Union, nearly three in in every four pounds earned by Welsh businesses from overseas sales currently depends on our relationship with our EU partners.

The Welsh Government wants to see continued access to the Single Market and participation in a customs union after Brexit.

Economy Secretary, Ken Skates said:

“The UK leaving the EU will see the biggest change to our international trading status for a generation. Welsh exports are a key part of our economy, providing jobs and investment and this must not be threatened by Brexit.

“This is why I am again meeting with business leaders from some of Wales’ most prominent exporters to listen to their views on the opportunities and threats posed by Brexit. 

“Events such as this are part of the Welsh Government’s drive to protect and grow our economy.  By listening to the needs of business and relaying these concerns to the UK Government, we are making the argument for a deal that can work for our economy. The Prime Minister has a duty to make sure we have a sensible Brexit that allows Welsh businesses to continue to export to the EU, our biggest market, without any barriers, extra costs or new taxes.

“The event will also provide a chance from us to hear first hand from business about the what they see as the opportunities of Brexit, and this will  help shape how we build on and progress our ongoing work to grow Welsh exports. 

“We will keep doing all we can but what we urgently need now is clarity from the UK Government on the type of Brexit deal they want. It is only this can provide certainty for businesses and allow them to plan for the future.”