Economy Secretary applauds local construction company on employment practices


The Jehu Group is a Bridgend based, family run business and is currently building a housing scheme on behalf of Newydd Housing Association. The new development, Yr Hen Fuarth will provide 44 brand new homes for affordable rent in the Treforest area.

With its commitment to developing its workforce, recruiting locally, operating sustainably and promoting wellbeing, Jehu demonstrates many of the business behaviours that the Welsh Government is trying to drive through its Economic Action Plan and Economic Contract.

Ken Skates said. 

“It was real pleasure to visit Jehu and see its progress in delivering this impressive development which will provide over 40 brand new affordable rental homes in the Pontypridd area.

“Jehu Group is demonstrating many of the responsible business behaviours that we are working hard to embed within Welsh business and its proactive campaign to tackle mental health in the workplace and promote wellbeing is of particular interest.

“Earlier this year as part of the delivery of our Economic Action Plan I was pleased to launch our new Economic Contract. Its aim is to develop a new relationship between the Welsh Government and business that is based on the principle of public investment with a social purpose.

“That means that companies who come to us for support now need to work with us and commit to the principles of growth, fair work, health, skills and learning and decarbonisation and I am pleased to report that the Welsh Government now has Economic Contracts in place with 84 companies.  

“The Economic Contract is all about testing how a company contributes to the wealth and wellbeing of its workers and the wider community and then spreading that good practice. It is a real pleasure to be visiting one of the many companies in Wales who are leading by example.”

Simon Jehu, Managing Director at Jehu said, 

“I welcome the principles behind the Welsh Governments economic contract, which seeks to drive public investment with a social purpose. As a family business we have always sought to operate in a responsible and sustainable manner with a particular focus creating a caring culture amongst our workforce.”

“We are privileged, alongside our partners such as Newydd Housing Association, to be able to create legacy for future generations through the homes we build and the wider contribution to the communities in which we work. It is good to see recognition of such strong values emerging in Government economic policy.”

Paul Roberts, Chief Executive for Newydd added:

“For Newydd, as a responsible social landlord, it is great to be working with another responsible business in Jehu. This development will not only provide some fantastic affordable homes for the local community, it is also providing employment opportunities during its construction.

“Newydd has a dedicated employability service, which through our community benefits contractor scheme, has seen one of our tenants, Dafydd, join the construction team as an apprentice. Jehu provide practical learning experience on site, which means that Dafydd, gets the support he needs to forge a career in construction.”

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