EASO publishes ‘Country Guidance: Syria’

Photo: © iStock/omersukrugoksu

Over the last seven years, Syria has consistently been the top country of origin of applicants for international protection in EU Member States and associated countries. Today, EASO published the ‘Country Guidance: Syria’, a tool for decision-makers and policy-makers in the EU and beyond, which aims to ensure that similar cases are treated and decided on in a similar manner.

The ‘Country Guidance: Syria’ represents the joint assessment of Member States of the situation in the country in view of the common international and EU legal framework. It provides an in-depth country-specific analysis, addressing all elements in the examination of international protection needs. It focuses on the main actors of persecution or serious harm in Syria, the refugee status or subsidiary protection needs of some of the relevant profiles of applicants, the ability and willingness of the actors in the country to provide protection, and the possibility of internal protection alternative, assessed in relation to Damascus City. Exclusion from international protection is also addressed.

The common analysis builds on the EASO COI reports concerning Syria and on available general EASO guidance on qualification for international protection. It is drafted by national experts, with the support of EASO and with valuable input from the European Commission and UNHCR. The final text is agreed by senior policy officials from EU+ countries and the guidance note, accompanied by the common analysis, is endorsed by the EASO Management Board.

The ‘Country Guidance: Syria’ is available in a user-friendly electronic book format, as well as in pdf. It can be accessed at https://easo.europa.eu/country-guidance-syria.

For more information about EASO’s role in fostering Member States’ efforts towards convergence in the assessment of international protection needs and the work on country guidance, visit https://easo.europa.eu/country-guidance.