East Asia

CHP reminds public on precautions against heat stroke during very hot weather

     The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) today (July 22) reminded members of the public, particularly those undertaking outdoor activities, to take heed of necessary measures against heat stroke and sunburn in very hot weather.

     "The public should carry and drink plenty of water to prevent...Read More »

Very Hot Weather Warning issued

Attention TV/radio announcers:

Please broadcast the following as soon as possible:

     The Hong Kong Observatory has issued the Very Hot Weather Warning.

     To prevent heat stroke, avoid prolonged activities outdoors.

     If engaged in outdoor work or activities, wear a wide-brimmed hat and light-coloured, loose-fitting clothes. Stay in shaded areas as much as possible.

     Drink plenty...Read More »

Special operations conducted against improper use of bright light for fishing (with photos)


     In July this year, the Marine Department (MD) has already mounted three special operations respectively on July 8, 16 and 19 to combat the improper use of bright light for fishing in the eastern and southern waters of Hong Kong. Among these operations, two of them were conducted...Read More »

Red flags hoisted at Hung Shing Yeh Beach and Pui O Beach

Attention TV/radio announcers:

Please broadcast the following as soon as possible:

     Here is an item of interest to swimmers.

     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department announced today (July 22) that due to big waves, red flags have been hoisted at Hung Shing Yeh Beach and Pui O Beach in Islands District. Beachgoers are...Read More »

FS to visit Beijing today

     The Financial Secretary, Mr Paul Chan, will depart for Beijing in the late afternoon today (July 22) to call on relevant central ministries and institutions to discuss strengthening co-operation and exchange.

     Other members joining the visit will include the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Mr Christopher Hui; the Chief...Read More »

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