East Asia

HKSAR Government highly concerned about Microsoft system outage

     The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government is highly concerned about the massive technical outage of Microsoft system today (July 19) and has assigned the Deputy Chief Secretary for Administration (DCS) to monitor the situation. The DCS has asked government departments to closely keep in view developments under their purview...Read More »

S for Housing to lead delegation to visit Zhuhai and Shenzhen

     The Secretary for Housing, Ms Winnie Ho, will lead a delegation of the Housing Department on July 21 (Sunday), together with 16 Legislative Council (LegCo) members, including members of the LegCo Panel on Housing, to Zhuhai and Shenzhen for a two-day visit.

     The itinerary includes getting an...Read More »

LegCo Members meet with members of Tuen Mun and Wong Tai Sin District Councils (with photos)


The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     The Legislative Council (LegCo) Members met with the new term Tuen Mun District Council (DC) and Wong Tai Sin DC members at the LegCo Complex today (July 19). This was the second meeting held between LegCo and the...Read More »

Home Affairs Department urges public to be aware of fraudulent Facebook page "Bloomy The Tree"

     A spokesman for the Home Affairs Department (HAD) today (July 19) alerted members of the public to a fraudulent Facebook page purported to be the "社ä¼�å�‹å»ºæ¨¹ Bloomy The Tree" Facebook page. Bloomy The Tree is the social enterprise mascot of the HAD.
     The HAD found...Read More »

Housing Bureau awards operation and management contract of first Light Public Housing project (with photo)


     The Housing Bureau (HB) today (July 19) awarded the operation and management contract of the first Light Public Housing (LPH) project (Contract no. LPH20240001) to the Pioneer Management Limited – Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Joint Venture at a tender sum of about $202 million.
   ...Read More »

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