Drug-related infectious diseases in Europe: update from the EMCDDA expert network


June 2019


This report presents an overview of infectious diseases among people who inject drugs in Europe, both in the community and in prison settings, covering disease surveillance, outbreak investigations, and prevention and control, for the period up to the end of February 2019. The report describes the population at risk, in terms of the number of injectors and the main injecting practices, presenting the latest data on incidence and prevalence of drug-related hepatitis C and B virus and HIV infections, as well as recent outbreaks, among people who inject drugs in Europe. This is accompanied by an overview of harm reduction intervention coverage, testing and treatment.

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Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • Population at risk
  • Viral hepatitis among people who inject drugs in Europe
  • HIV among people who inject drugs in Europe
  • Outbreaks of infectious diseases among drug users
  • Prevention and treatment of drug-related infectious diseases in Europe
  • Drug-related infectious diseases in prison settings
  • Updates on European joint actions and projects
  • Glossary of terms and abbreviations
  • References
  • Acknowledgements

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