Drop the double standards and get on with governing, SNP told


13 Dec 2018


The SNP has been told to focus on domestic responsibilities and end its hypocritical “abuse” of the UK Government.

Nicola Sturgeon has spent much of the last week issuing critical tweets and statements about matters outwith the responsibility of Holyrood, including the delayed vote on the Brexit deal.

This is despite dithering on her own constitutional dilemma for the best part of two years.

And at First Minister’s Questions today, Scottish Conservative interim leader Jackson Carlaw pointed out that even when progress in devolved areas was being made, it was actually due to UK Government polices, not the SNP’s.

He highlighted a tax cut trumpeted by Derek Mackay in yesterday’s budget, £130 of which is thanks to Chancellor Philip Hammond’s decisions, and just 49p due to SNP measures.

Scottish Conservative interim leader Jackson Carlaw said:

“Expert organisations and even her own budget documents show block grant investment from Westminster is going up.

“The only person who can’t accept this is Nicola Sturgeon.

“Scotland is in the slow lane under the SNP.

“While the UK Chancellor is committing to tax cuts for hardworking families, the nationalists’ policies provide them with enough extra cash for a packet of crisps.

“Instead of governing for Scotland, the First Minister is intent on hurling abuse from the sidelines.

“Stoking up indignation to a delayed vote in Westminster when she’s spent her entire time as First Minister dangling Scotland over the cliff of another independence referendum.

“It’s the double standards and hypocrisy for which this SNP government has become renowned.”

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