Domestic issues merely ‘a warm-up act’ for Sturgeon’s independence speech

9 Jun 2018


Nicola Sturgeon has used her keynote conference speech to continue banging the drum for independence.

Despite claiming domestic issues like education are her priority, the First Minister told the SNP summit in Aberdeen that the “case for independence is strong, and getting stronger by the day”.

The Scottish Conservatives have accused her yet again of sidelining crucial devolved matters to instead play to the gallery on nationalist attempts to break up Britain.

Latest polling has shown no increase in support for separation, and Nicola Sturgeon’s personal approval ratings plummeting.

Scottish Conservative deputy leader Jackson Carlaw said:

“This was yet another speech where Nicola Sturgeon’s domestic responsibilities are a warm-up to the main act – banging on about independence.

“Bizarrely, despite claiming education was her top priority, she forgot to mention it altogether. Nor was there any mention of how to sort out our criminal justice system.

“She is out of touch and leading a divided party. This was a tired speech from a leader running out of time.

“We also saw the usual hypocrisy of Nicola Sturgeon simultaneously moaning about UK cutbacks while at the same time spending millions extra – thanks to UK funding.

“The SNP’s campaign used to be ‘It’s time’. Increasingly Scots are saying to Sturgeon that ‘Time’s up’.”