Dmitry Medvedev’s meeting with President of China Xi Jinping

The meeting took place as part of Dmitry Medvedev’s official visit to China

Meeting with President of China Xi Jinping

Dmitry Medvedev’s statement at the meeting:

I am very happy to meet you, Mr Xi Jinping. Allow to me seize the opportunity and give you best regards from President Putin.

The cooperation between our countries stands at an all-time high level. The sheer number of summit meetings testifies to that:

You have already met President Putin three times this year and are going to meet again at the G20 summit.

It all proves that our countries have established relations of strategic partnership and cooperation.

 It was fascinating to take part in the first China International Import Expo.

Thank you for inviting our country to participate as a partner nation. I would like to thank you again for the attention you have given to the Russian delegation.

I believe this Expo is a good venue which can be used to host representatives of different countries and companies. On the other hand, it can be used to promote a crucial agenda in international trade which, as you justly noted today, faces a fair amount of challenges. Our joint task is to protect the existing regimes of international trade rather destroy them which sometimes happens, regrettably.

I would like to note that we will celebrate the 70th anniversary of diplomatic relations between our countries in 2019 which will be marked by many very different events important for Russia and China and our peoples.

Once again, thank you very much for our meeting.