Dmitry Medvedev meets with Patrick Pouyanne, Chairman and CEO of Total

Excerpts from the transcript:

Meeting with Total CEO Patrick Pouyanne

Dmitry Medvedev: You visit this country quite often, which we, of course, appreciate. This time you have brought a large group of analysts and experts who are interested in our country and its economic development, even at a time when there are many discussions and disputes on the topic, and I believe it is especially valuable.

Total has an extensive business agenda with its partners. Tomorrow you are flying to Yamal. This is a large project worth many billions, and I am sure it be a total success.

Patrick Pouyanne: We make major investments in Russia, 9 billion in capital, and we are interested in seeing and knowing what we invest in. That is why I decided to bring a large group of specialists, speak with officials, and look at the sites.

Investments in Russia are important and significant for Total. We had an interesting and thorough conversation with Mr Novak (Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation) and Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich. Tomorrow we are going to fly to Yamal with Mr Mikhelson (Leonid Mikhelson, CEO of Novatek). It is a remarkable facility, the most extraordinary one we are building. I would like to show our shareholders that it is good and profitable to invest in the Yamal project.