Diving Information Sheets (DVIS) revised
- General diving hazards Diving Information Sheet No. 1 (This has now been withdrawn)
- Diving system winches Diving Information Sheet No. 2 (This has now been withdrawn)
- Breathing gas management Diving Information Sheet No. 3 (This has now been withdrawn)
- Compression chambers Diving Information Sheet No. 4 (This has now been withdrawn)
- Exposure limits for air diving operations Diving Information Sheet No. 5 (Rev 1, published 01/18)
- Maintenance of diving bell hoist ropes Diving Information Sheet No. 6 (This has now been withdrawn)
- Bell run and bell lock out times Diving Information Sheet No. 7 (Rev 1, published 01/18)
- Diving in benign conditions, and in pools, tanks, aquariums and helicopter underwater escape training Diving Information Sheet No. 8 (Rev 0, published 10/10)
- Divers’ breathing air standard and the frequency of tests Diving Information Sheet No. 9 (Rev 2, published 01/18)
- Diving cylinders: Guidance on internal corrosion, fitting valves and filling Diving Information Sheet No. 10 (Rev 0, published 12/07)
- Diving cylinders: Guidance on their manufacture, inspection and carriage Diving Information Sheet No. 11 (Currently under review)
- Cleaning of diving equipment Diving Information Sheet No. 12 (Rev 1, published 01/18)
- Differential pressure hazards in diving Diving Information Sheet No. 13 (Rev 1, published 01/18)
- The noise exposure of working divers Diving Information Sheet No. 14 (Rev 0, published 03/11)