Director of WHETO attends Expo Central China 2019 in Nanchang (with photos)

     The Director of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Wuhan, Mr Vincent Fung, represented the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government to attend the keynote forum and opening ceremony for Expo Central China 2019 on May 18.
     The theme of Expo Central China 2019 was "High-level Opening Up, High-quality Development". It was held in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, from May 18 to 20. Mr Fung accompanied the Vice-Premier of the State Council, Mr Hu Chunhua, and the Vice Minister of Commerce, Mr Wang Shouwen, to visit the Hong Kong Pavilion before the keynote forum and opening ceremony. During the Expo, he exchanged views with the government leaders of Hubei, Hunan, Henan, Jiangxi and Shanxi Provinces and representatives of Hong Kong enterprises, and attended the Promotion Meeting for the Investment Environment of Central China and Projects as well as the Culture and Tourism Integration Development Forum of Central China to understand the latest economic, trade, social, investment and tourism developments of the central region of the Mainland.

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