Director of Health receives third dose of COVID-19 vaccination (with photos)

     The Director of Health, Dr Ronald Lam, and a number of service heads of the Department of Health (DH), today (December 2) received their third dose of COVID-19 vaccination (CoronaVac) at a DH clinic, and appealed to those who have yet to receive the first or second dose vaccination to get it early to protect themselves and others.
     Dr Lam, together with the Controller of the Centre for Health Protection, Dr Edwin Tsui; the Deputy Director of Health, Dr Teresa Li; the Assistant Director (Drug), Mr Frank Chan; and the Principal Nursing Officer, Dr Mary Foong, received the vaccination by DH colleagues.
     Dr Lam said, "The global situation of COVID-19 is still very severe, and we need to continue to increase Hong Kong's vaccination rate to build a stronger barrier in preparation for future risks brought about by factors such as newly emerged mutant strains.
     "At the moment, the adverse impact on the epidemic situation caused by the newly emerged mutant strains, including that on the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines, treatment effectiveness, etc, is not fully known yet, but vaccination is still essential to prevent severe cases and deaths from COVID-19 infection.  
     "We therefore urge people, especially those with higher risks, to get the vaccine early for their own well-being and that of their families, as well as for the public health of the whole society," he added.
     The Government is implementing the third dose COVID-19 vaccination arrangements. Immunocompromised persons (e.g. cancer patients, organ transplant recipients, advanced-stage HIV patients and persons taking active immunosuppressive drugs) can receive the third dose at least four weeks from the second dose; persons who have received two doses of the CoronaVac vaccine, irrespective of whether they belong to the priority groups, can receive the third dose six months after the second dose. For individuals aged 18 or above who have received two doses of the Comirnaty vaccine and, in the higher risk groups including elderly aged 60 or above, healthcare workers, persons with chronic illnesses and workers at increased risk for COVID-19 exposure and transmission because of an occupational setting (e.g. personnel participating in anti-epidemic related work, personnel providing cross-boundary transportation or working at control points and ports), can receive the third dose at least six months from the second dose.
    To learn more about and to make online reservations for COVID-19 vaccination, please visit the thematic website:

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